
Neck Pain

Neck Pain services offered in Plano, TX

Neck Pain

Neck Pain services offered in Plano, TX

As one of the most common musculoskeletal complaints, neck pain may be a symptom of poor posture, chronic stress, arthritis, or a traumatic injury. Over-the-counter pain medication can temporarily relieve most neck pain problems but can’t address the underlying issue. At Rise Physical Therapy, a part of North Texas Orthopaedic & Spine in Plano, Texas, physical therapist Daniel Kaminski, PT, DPT, and the team of specialists take a holistic approach to neck pain to provide lasting relief. Call the office today, or click online to schedule a visit.

Neck Pain Q&A

Why does my neck hurt? 

The seven small bones, connecting joints, protective spinal discs, stabilizing connective tissues, and surrounding muscles that make up your cervical spine allow you to support your head and move it with ease.

For as strong and flexible as your neck may be, it’s also prone to many disorders and conditions that can limit your range of motion and lead to chronic pain and stiffness. Common causes of neck discomfort include:  

Poor posture 

Muscle strain and imbalance from chronic poor posture is a significant cause of neck pain; in today’s screen-driven society, it often comes from spending too much time hunched over a computer, tablet, or smartphone. 

Nerve compression

Cervical stenosis, an age-related condition that compresses the spaces in your spinal canal, can give rise to persistent nerve-related neck pain. Arthritis-related joint degeneration, disc problems, and anything else that pinches the nerves in your cervical spine can also lead to neck pain.

Traumatic injury

As one of the most frequent neck injuries, whiplash occurs when a forceful movement makes your head rebound, compressing your cervical spine and damaging your soft tissues. A whiplash injury can lead to long-lasting neck pain, stiffness, and limited mobility, even if it doesn't hurt much initially. 

Why should I treat chronic neck pain? 

The mild pain, stiffness, and soreness associated with minor neck problems usually subsides in a relatively short amount of time. More severe neck problems, on the other hand, tend to stick around or even progress until they become a chronic condition. 

Chronic neck pain may give rise to headaches, uncomfortable muscle spasms, and a reduced range of motion without proper care. If you’ve been living with neck pain for over a couple of weeks, don’t wait for your symptoms to worsen or multiply — make an appointment with the Rise Physical Therapy team. 

How can I resolve chronic neck pain? 

The specialists take a whole-person approach to neck pain, starting with a thorough medical evaluation. After assessing the nature of your condition and checking for underlying trauma, they develop a personalized treatment plan to deliver efficient, effective care. Your plan may include: 

  • Anti-inflammatory injections
  • Therapeutic massage 
  • Physical therapy exercises
  • Posture correction training

As a natural, holistic solution for chronic neck pain, acupuncture works to ease pain and restore balance by curbing inflammation, stimulating blood flow, initiating soft tissue repair, and helping your muscles re-establish normal firing patterns.   

If you’re ready to end persistent neck pain, call the Rise Physical Therapy team of specialists today or reach out online.